Thursday 18 July 2019

Why Vitamin K2 Is Quintessential For Our Body

Discovered in 1929, Vitamin K is as an essential nutrient which is requisite for blood coagulation (blood clotting). Two main forms of vitamin K are- Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and Vitamin K2 (menaquinone). K1 is found in plant foods like leafy greens and K2 is found in animal foods and fermented foods.

Vitamin K triggers proteins that play a major role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism and heart health. One of its most significant functions is to regulate calcium deposition. It boosts the hardening of bones and thwarts the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys. Many people aren’t aware that calcium build-up in the arteries around your heart is a huge risk cause for heart disease. Therefore, anything that can reduce this calcium accumulation may help prevent heart disease. Many online stores offer Vitamin k2 mk7 300 mcg from Non-GMO fermented soybeans. Best vitamin k2 MK-7 supplement is not quite hard to find as many online outlets are selling it at a reasonable price.

It is believed, vitamin K helps in the prevention of calcium accumulation in your arteries. It has stated in a study that people who consume vitamin K2 regularly were less prone to suffer from artery calcification and had a lower risk of dying from heart disease. 

Nowadays, osteoporosis or “porous bones” is a common problem. Generally older women struggle with this issue. This ailment increases the risk of fractures. As written above, a vitamin is important for the metabolism of calcium as it is one of the main minerals present in your bones and teeth. Vitamin K2 catalyses the calcium-binding actions of two proteins that are- matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin, which help to build and maintain bone health.

Now, it is apparent that Vitamin K2 is a boon for our body as it eliminates so many health issues, such as- cardiovascular Health, osteoporosis, arterial calcification, and brain function.