Thursday 18 July 2019

Why Vitamin K2 Is Quintessential For Our Body

Discovered in 1929, Vitamin K is as an essential nutrient which is requisite for blood coagulation (blood clotting). Two main forms of vitamin K are- Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and Vitamin K2 (menaquinone). K1 is found in plant foods like leafy greens and K2 is found in animal foods and fermented foods.

Vitamin K triggers proteins that play a major role in blood clotting, calcium metabolism and heart health. One of its most significant functions is to regulate calcium deposition. It boosts the hardening of bones and thwarts the calcification of blood vessels and kidneys. Many people aren’t aware that calcium build-up in the arteries around your heart is a huge risk cause for heart disease. Therefore, anything that can reduce this calcium accumulation may help prevent heart disease. Many online stores offer Vitamin k2 mk7 300 mcg from Non-GMO fermented soybeans. Best vitamin k2 MK-7 supplement is not quite hard to find as many online outlets are selling it at a reasonable price.

It is believed, vitamin K helps in the prevention of calcium accumulation in your arteries. It has stated in a study that people who consume vitamin K2 regularly were less prone to suffer from artery calcification and had a lower risk of dying from heart disease. 

Nowadays, osteoporosis or “porous bones” is a common problem. Generally older women struggle with this issue. This ailment increases the risk of fractures. As written above, a vitamin is important for the metabolism of calcium as it is one of the main minerals present in your bones and teeth. Vitamin K2 catalyses the calcium-binding actions of two proteins that are- matrix GLA protein and osteocalcin, which help to build and maintain bone health.

Now, it is apparent that Vitamin K2 is a boon for our body as it eliminates so many health issues, such as- cardiovascular Health, osteoporosis, arterial calcification, and brain function.

Sunday 19 May 2019

Ordering Supplements For Inflammation And Pain May Be Simpler - Here’s How

If you are an athlete you could be using anti-inflammatory tablets or painkillers that are harmful. In fact, many active people take the painkiller Ibuprofen on almost a daily basis. However, most of these tablets are not only ineffective but, also detrimental to your health. As an athlete, if you wish to improve in workouts, and are using such medication, then you should a different alternative. However, you should consult your physician first. Order supplements for inflammation and pain, and you will be surprised at the results.

Stance On Medical Benefits Of Supplements

Using the best supplements for inflammation and pain will benefit you if you do adequate research. In fact, supplements are not regulated by the FDA. So, you will have no trouble ordering supplements for inflammation and pain.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), the FDA treats supplements like food and the DSHEA defines supplements as “products taken orally for supplementing the diet.”

Therefore, supplements can improve your recuperation from serious inflammation and reduce the pain. However, when a supplement poses a threat to health, then the FDA steps in. As with any medication, make sure you do thorough research on the supplement before taking it. Make sure you research on the benefits of the best supplements for inflammation and pain.


Supplements have significantly higher nutrients than those present in most foods.  Food supplements are concentrated sources of nutrients taken as a dietary top-up. They include fish oils, which have been shown to benefit heart health, minerals like iron to help prevent anemia, and a whole list of vitamins, from A to K.

Sunday 21 April 2019

The Role Of Vitamin D And Calcium In Bone Health

You might be well aware of the fact that calcium is an essential nutrient to maintain good bone health. Calcium is basically a building block of bone and it can help prevent osteoporosis. However, the full potential of calcium cannot be completely met if the body is lacking in Vitamin D.

Calcium and vitamin D need to work simultaneously to protect the bones, calcium helps build and maintain bones, on the other hand, it is vitamin D that helps the body absorb the calcium. So, even if you are consuming sufficient amount of calcium, it is going to be useless if you are not concerned about vitamin D content in your body.

Vitamin D, as mentioned earlier, helps your body absorb calcium. Sunlight is a source of vitamin, but staying long hours in the sun without proper skin protection can put you at risk of skin cancer and not everyone would be comfortable with such a practice. So, it best to find the best vitamin D supplements for bone health from a variety of online stores. Besides supplements, some other good vitamin sources are: Vitamin D-fortified milk, egg yolks and fatty fish. It is a good idea to visit a doctor for bone-related issues, where the doctor can suggest some specific medicines or supplements. There are also calcium supplements available in the market, that contain a good amount of vitamin D. The recommended daily calcium and vitamin content for men and women aged between 19-49 years are 1000mg and 400-800mg respectively.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

How Do Fish Oil Supplements Boost Memory And Cognitive-Functioning?

Maybe you're hoping to protect your thinking skills by eating oily fish like salmon or taking a daily fish oil supplement. After all, the media frequently talk about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, and sales of fish oil supplements are $1 billion per year in the United States. But, can fish oil help you think clearly?

A balanced diet is essential to the well-being of your body.

For this, every mother recommends cod liver as a cure-all. It is bitter and tasteless, we know that you have had an aversion to it as a kid. However, what options do you have during an illness? In fact, due to Alzheimer's Syndrome, many patients are relying on such supplements for boosting memory.

Here is where the health benefits of Omega 3 fish oil supplements come into play. Not only are they beneficial for your mind, but, also easy to take. In fact, the benefits of Omega 3 fish oil supplements are improved immunity and improved cognitive function. Furthermore, omega 3 fatty acids also reduce triglycerides and diminish the risk of heart disease.
What's more, if you are not fond of salmon and other fish or the associated smell, then chances are these supplements will be highly useful in providing you with memory-boosting that characteristic of eating fish.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

3 Ways to Improve Immune System Naturally

Even the healthiest people are prone to sickness. However, if you change a few aspects of your health routine, you can strengthen your immune system. Manage stress and consume vitamins to improve immune system and get one step closer towards better health. It can protect you against toxic chemicals, bacterias and viruses that can cause health problems, such as common cold and flu. Apart from this, your attitude and the amount of exercise you do also play a vital role to boost your immune system.

Here are three ways to improve your immune system naturally.

1. Diet: Consuming a diet rich of antioxidants and vitamins is necessary to improve your immune system. Include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as you can. Stick to natural supplements for digestive health if you experience bloating or gas. Prefer healthy fats like omega-2 fatty acids instead of saturated fats present in dairy and meat products. Refrain from sugary beverages and energy drinks. You should rather drink plenty of water to flush out infections from your body.

2. Exercise: Regular workout can work up T-cells, which are known to protect body against infections. If you workout for 30 minutes a day, you can reduce the risk of cold to a great extent. However, vigorous activities can also weaken your immune system, so make sure that you don’t exercise excessively.

3. Hygiene: Keep your hands clean all the time- it's one of the best ways to prevent illness. Ensure washing your hands at regular intervals of time. Another way to improve immunity is getting adequate sleep, nearly 8 hours each night.

So, take steps towards a healthy you!